Add Checklist

Add Checklist

Note: Requires admin privileges to implement.  Please contact your Landport Administrator.  If you ARE your organization's Landport administrator and want to request PM privileges for yourself or a co-worker, please submit a Support ticket.

We suggest starting with a small number of checklists for soon-to-trigger PMs and seeing how you like what you've built (see Tip 1).

To add a reusable checklist:

1. From the Dashboard, tap Preventive Maintenance.
2. Tap Create/Edit Checklists.
3. Select the service type for the checklist.
4. There are 2 scenarios for naming the checklist:
  • If this is the first checklist under the service type, enter the name.
  • If there are already other checklists under the service type, then tap "Create" to cause the "Name" field to appear; then enter the name.
Note: If the checklist could be used for multiple locations/pieces of equipment, be sure the name is generic enough, i.e. Quarterly HVAC Service).
5. Tap the update button.
6. You will now see your new checklist in the "Available Checklists" table, with the option to "edit", "delete", or "rename".
7. Tap edit.
8. Build one of the following:
  • "Item" - Leave as "checkbox" or tap in the field to pick "text") and enter a "Description"; tap "Add line".
  • "URL Item" - Copy URL address into field and enter a "Description"; tap "Add line".
9. Repeat step 8 as often as needed.
10. Optionally change the service type of the checklist.
11. Tap the udpate button to save the checklist.
12. See Add PM Instruction if you are ready to create a new PM instruction, using the checklist.  You are also welcome to associate the checklist with any existing PM instruction (see Edit PM Instruction).

Tip 1:  Checklists can be used to: 1) outline steps that need to be followed, 2) list pieces of equipment to be serviced using an individual PM (i.e. RTU1, RTU2, and RTU3), 3) list multiple locations to be serviced using an individual PM (i.e. HVAC Bldg 1, HVAC Bldg 2...or...Fl1 Fire Extinguishers, Fl2 Fire Extinguishers, etc.), 4) reduce the number of PMs you and your Servicers need to process...get creative!
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