Add Equipment

Add Equipment

Note: Requires admin privileges to implementPlease contact your Landport Administrator.  If you ARE your organization's Landport administrator and want to request Edit Location privileges for yourself or a co-worker, please submit a Support ticket.

IMPORTANT:  Please do NOT delete equipment.  Instead, "retire" it (see Retiring Locations/Equipment). If a piece of equipment must be deleted, please submit a Support ticket.

To add equipment (such as electrical, plumbing, HVAC, etc.) to your location tree:

1.  From the Dashboard, tap Edit Locations (see Tip 2).
2. Tap Create new equipment.
3. Select where to insert the equipment, using the "+" sign to expand the location tree.
4. Complete the following new equipment fields:
  • New equipment name - Enter name (such as AHU1, AHU-5th Fl, or 5th Fl-AHU); Landport sorts alphabetically/numerically.
  • Equipment type
  • Service and Management Visibility - Do you want this location to only be visible to Servicer and Manager accounts?  The answer is typically "Yes" for equipment, however you may want to select "No" for items like Elevator or Refrigerator, so that Requestors can create requests on them (see Tip 3).
5. Tap update button and repeat steps 3 - 5 ...or...
6. To exit creation mode, tap either My Dashboard or Edit Locations to do further editing on the newly added equipment (e.g. add descriptive notes, such as make, model, serial; add a code; attach a file).  Tap here for more "Edit Equipment" information.

Tip 1:  If a field label is colored, you may tap it for more information.

Tip 2:  If you have a large amount of equipment to add under a location, you may want to add a line item, "Equipment", within that location (see Add Location).  Then you would be able to insert new equipment under this line item.  Suggested settings are:
  • Location type - room
  • Common area - "No"
  • Common base - "no common base"
  • Lease to tenants - "No"
  • Service and Management visibility - typically "Yes" (unless the line item "Equipment", and everything under it, should be visible to Requestors)
Tip 3:  If you need to make a piece of equipment, like an Elevator or Refrigerator, visible to Requestors, but you've made "Equipment" invisible (see Tip 2), then you'll need to build the piece within the location and NOT within "Equipment".
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