Note: Requires admin privileges to implement. Please contact your Landport Administrator. If you ARE your organization's Landport administrator and want to request Edit Location privileges for yourself or a co-worker, please submit a Support ticket.
IMPORTANT: Please do NOT delete locations. Instead, "retire" them (see Retiring Locations/Equipment). If a location must be deleted, please submit a Support ticket.
To add locations (such as building, suite, condo, parking lot) with various characteristics, i.e. private or common, leased, etc.:
1. From the Dashboard, tap Edit Locations.
2. Tap Create new location.
3. Select where to insert the new location, using the "+" sign to expand the location tree.
4. Complete the following new location fields:
- New location name - Enter building name, floor, suite, common area, etc.
Location type - Select appropriate type (as long as you're consistent, it's not an issue if you don't see an exact match)
Common area - Select "Yes", if this location is a common area that should be visible to all Requestors (e.g. a building, parking lot, or Fitness Center). Select "No" if it is a private space (e.g. suite, office, apartment).
Common base - If this location is a private space, where are the Requestors' common areas (if any) located, i.e. should the system look for common areas within the Requestors' own site/building, or at a higher/campus level? If this location is a common space that's shared by all occupants of a building (e.g. the entire building, grounds, lobby, parking lot), then select "no common base".
Lease to Tenants - Do you want to make this location available for tenants to lease?
Service and Management Visibility - Do you want this location to only be visible to Servicer and Manager accounts? The answer is usually "No" for the typical location.
Address - Review and change, if needed. Often, "Address2" is used for office suite/apartment information. This is the address which will appear to Requestors and Servicers, so it's important to make sure it's accurate.
5. Tap update button and repeat steps 3 - 5 ...or....
6. To exit creation mode, tap either My Dashboard or Edit Locations to do further editing on the newly added location (e.g. add a code, enter descriptive notes, attach a file) (Important! See Tip 2).
Tip 1: If a field label is colored, you may tap it for more information.
Tip 2: Immediately after adding a top-level location, such as a building, tap
Edit Locations and compare what you've added to a similar type of location that Landport built. Fields to focus on are: "
Prefix", "
all the blue line items starting with "Available at Registration" and ending with "Common base" (The "Site Manager" field only appears if "Available at Registration" is "Yes".), and "
Description Preload". Then proceed to creating sub-locations, such as office suites/apartments and common areas. Perform the same double check after adding the first sub-location of a particular type, making sure to compare it to the same type of Landport-built location, i.e. suite to suite or common area to common area. If you have time, it doesn't hurt to review all your additions! Tap
here for more "Edit Location" information.
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