Add Servicer

Add Servicer

Note: Requires admin privileges to implement. Please contact your Landport Administrator.  If you ARE your organization's Landport administrator and want to request Company Profile privileges for yourself or a co-worker, please submit a Support ticket.

Please reference the tips at the bottom of this page before getting started (especially if you need to add additional INTERNAL maintenance staff).

To add Servicers (e.g. internal maintenance staff or external vendors):
  1. From the Dashboard, tap Company Profile.
  2. In the "User Account Setup" section, tap Register User.
  3. Tap the third "Code" (see 3rd column, "User Type", for definitions).
  4. Tap "OK" to proceed with registration of the new user.
  5. Ensure that the Servicer's company/group is not in the first dropdown.  If it is, please see Tip 2.
  6. Enter the company/group name into the 2nd field and tap "Submit".
  7. Select all the services that should be associated with the new Servicer's company/group (if in doubt, select it).
  8. Complete the user registration form, making sure to enter the zip code and taking note of the user name and password you've assigned.
  9. On the contact methods page, we suggest leaving the email settings as is for now (if you entered an email on the registration page), and tapping the update button.
  10. You are in the new account!  Be sure to give the new Servicer a Quick Start Guide.  Tap here to view.
  11. [highly recommended] To permanently lock the new Servicer into passive mode (which means that you will always be able to accept and declare done work orders on the Servicer's behalf), tap Your Profile and then Set default environment variable values.  Next, check "Remain in passive mode" and tap the update button.  If the Servicer uses their account before you lock it into passive mode, and you need it changed, a Support ticket will need to be submitted.
Tip 1:  If you're uncertain whether a Servicer already has an account, please tap here for Find Servicer instructions. 

Tip 2:  You may use the "Company" search option, within Find Servicer, to see if there are any extra or previously used accounts.  These accounts can be re-used by simply updating the contact information, checking that the Servicer appears in the appropriate Manager's Preferred Servicer listing, and providing the login credentials to the new Servicer.  Please note that re-using a Servicer account allows the new person to pick up where the prior person left off, but does cause all previous requests to show the new person's name.  If there are not any reusable accounts available, and you still need to add a Servicer to the existing Landport group/company (e.g. you have 3 maintenance staff accounts and want to add a 4th), please submit a Support ticket (because they can pretty much do this in their sleep!) may follow the above steps PLUS the steps in this article.

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