Billing catalog items missing from the Labor/Parts/Other drop down when creating an invoice

Billing catalog items missing from the Labor/Parts/Other drop down when creating an invoice

It's likely the missing line items were added to the incorrect billing catalog.  Each Servicer group/company has its own unique billing catalog.  When you access the invoice page for a particular request, only the billing catalog for the assigned Servicer will be shown. 

When entering new billing catalog items, make sure that you log in to the pertinent Servicer group's admin account.  A common mistake is accessing your own Manager organization's billing catalog, rather than logging out of your account and into the correct Servicer admin account.  Please note there can be situations where you might enter billing catalog items for your Manager group (e.g. Managers acting as Servicers).  For more information, tap here to view the "Invoice: Billing Catalog" article.
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