CREATE REQUEST (Create For Requestor)

CREATE REQUEST (Create For Requestor)

Typically, you want Requestors to create requests themselves.  However, in the event that you need to do it for them (or you want to get them in the loop on a project that will affect their location), this functionality will cause the request to appear on their Dashboard and trigger notification emails to them.  To create a request that is invisible to the Requestor, even if it's for their space, use Create Request (tap to see article).

To create a request on behalf of a Requestor (Reporter, Tenant, Employee, etc.)
  1. From the Dashboard, tap Create For Requestor.
  2. On the next page, you may optionally narrow down the list of Requestors by tapping "change location" under "Show Requstors in:".  (If the location pop-up does not appear, please tap here.)
  3. Tap the "select a user" drop down and pick a Requestor (list is alphabetical by company/group name).
  4. From the location pop-up window, select the appropriate area for the request.  (If the pop-up does not appear, please tap here.)
  5. The request creation/dispatch page appears.  Complete the following fields, as needed:
    • Urgency - Adjust if needed.  If Medium, High, or Emergency is chosen, this wording will appear in front of the date/time stamp on the Dashboard, with Emergency being red.
    • Service Type -  Picking the most accurate service type is important, so that your requests are categorized properly for reporting, and also so that the correct Servicers appear further down the page (e.g. Your plumber probably won't appear, if you pick a service type of Landscaping!)
    • Time reported - Adjust if needed.  Back-dating is allowed, so you can enter catch-up requests.
    • Description - Speak (from a mobile device), type, or copy & paste a description of the request.  The field will expand to accommodate the entire description, but we do recommend keeping it brief.
    • Manager - The person who will manage the request from start to finish.  Typically, you will leave this field as the default, which in this scenario, would be your own name.  If you get to this point, and another Manager's name shows up as the person responsible for the location's requests, we strongly suggest returning to the Dashboard and tapping Create for Manager, so that the request is created for the other Manager to dispatch and manage.
    • Categorize as billable - Check this box if you want to populate the "Billed Party" column, in reporting, with the Requestor's name and company/group.
    • Instructions (Optional) - Enter additional instructions to the Servicer.  This field is often used when the request originates from a Requestor (Reporter, Tenant, Employee, etc.), who has already populated the "Description".
    • Checklist - Checklists in the Recurring/Preventive Maintenance module are made available for your use here, as well.  A common checklist that is built for on-demand requests is for turnovers.
    • Servicer Response Options - There are 3 main categories in this section, so that you can elicit a different type of response from your Servicers.  If you tap the (?) next to the section heading, there are definitions of each.  Here's some additional information:
      • "Do now, budget: $___" - This is the default option.  If you're unsure what to select, this would be it, especially for internal Servicers, such as maintenance staff.  You may select one particular Servicer further down the page, unless you've defined a Servicer Order (tap here to view article).  If you need others within the same Servicer group to be able to view the request, Servicer Account Sharing can be implemented (tap here for article).
      • "Submit a bid" - When you use this option, you may select multiple Servicers further down the page.  They will all receive your request for a bid and can respond via the system.  The Servicers will not know who has received the request, or be able to see each other's responses.  When the winning bid is selected, the winning and losing bidders are notified.
      • "Do now at no cost" - Typically used for external Servicers.  An example might be a repair needed on an item that is under warranty with that Servicer or wasn't repaired correctly the first time.
      • "...done in ___ days" variation - This control feature appears as an option for each of the above 3 categories, and is intended for very time sensitive requests.  If a number of days is designated, and the Servicer (or the Manager on the Servicer's behalf) does not systematically declare the job done within that time frame, the request will expire.  An email notification is sent to the Manager, and the request is moved from the "Requests in Progress" table back up to the "New Requests" table with  "Prior svc. req. expired" noted in the "Next action" column.  After optionally following up with the Servicer, the Manager may dispatch the request back to them or to someone else.
    • PO - Purchase Order number that can be included on reports.
    • Additional Information - Optional items that can be included in the Servicer's instructions.  
      • "Work order cost budget" will cause Attach a detailed estimate to appear on the Servicer's review page, so the Servicer can provide a cost estimate.  Please note that any specific budget amount you originally entered on the dispatch page is kept private for your reference.  
      • "Service History" will cause a listing of the last 10 requests for the particular location/equipment to be shown at the bottom of the Servicer's review page.  There is also a link below the listing which, when tapped, shows an extended history.
    • Servicers - Select who you want to have do the work.
      • Selecting a person with a Servicer account
        1. Check the box for the Servicer(s) that should receive the request.  If you do not see the expected Servicer(s), please tap here.  (Typically, one Servicer is selected, unless it's a bidding situation, however if you want to select multiple Servicers without bids (e.g. internal maintenance staff), please tap here.)
        2. Proceed to "Contact Servicers" section in this article.
  • The Servicers list is alphabetical by company name (to change the order, tap here).  
  • The "[passive]" designation does not affect the Servicer's use of Landport.  For more information, please tap here
  • To see a Servicer's contact info, you may tap their name.  Some people will call a Servicer to ensure they can take the job before completing the dispatch step.  If a Servicer is not actively using Landport, you may optionally add "Call" in their last name field as a reminder that you must call to notify the Servicer of work you've assigned.  Tap here for instructions.
  • Selecting yourself as the Servicer
  1. Check the box for "Service the Request yourself.
  2. Skip down the page and tap "Submit".
  3. On the next page, optionally set expected Arrival/Departure time(s).
  4. Tap "Reply now" or "Repy & Declare done".
  • "Reply now" - The request will appear in the "Requests in Progress" table on the Dashboard.  You'll be designated as the Manager and the Servicer.  The "Next action" column will have Manager and Servicer links.
  • "Reply & Declare done" - The request will automatically be moved to "Closed Requests".
Please see Tips 1 & 2, otherwise, you have completed the create/dispatch step.
  • Selecting another Manager as the Servicer
  1. Be sure that the Manager is correctly selected in above Step 5.
  2. Check the box for "Assign Request to Manager selected above".
  3. Skip down the page and tap "Submit".
  • A notification email is sent to the selected Manager (assuming they have an email in their profile).
  • The request will appear in the "Requests in Progress" table on the Dashboard with the selected Manager designated as the Servicer.  The "Next action" column will have Manager and Servicer links.
Please see Tips 1 & 2, otherwise, you have completed the create/dispatch step.
    • Contact Servicers - Select whether you want the above selected Servicers to be sent the request one at a time or all at once.
      • "one at a time" will be auto-selected by the system (when "Submit" is tapped) if any of the non-bidding options are used in "Servicer response options".  This option must be manually selected if a non-bidding option is used, but multiple Servicers have been selected.
      • "all at once" will remain selected as the default if any of the bidding options have been used in "Servicer response options".
    • Timeout - Specify how long the selected Servicer has to "Accept" the request.  (For more information about the default and how to change it, please tap here.)  
If the Servicer fails to "Accept", the system will withdraw the request, sending the Manager a notification email and moving the request from "Requests in Progress" back to the "New Requests" table.  In the "Next Action" column, there will be a "Prior svc. req. expired " status message, and the Manager will have the ability to re-dispatch to the same or different Servicer (or to cancel the request by tapping the request number and tapping Cancel).

If multiple Servicers have been selected in a non-bidding situation, the "Timeout" controls the amount of time before the request is withdrawn from the first Servicer and sent to the second, and so on.  If the final Servicer fails to "Accept", the request is withdrawn as discussed in the prior paragraph.
      4. Tap "Submit".
  • A notification email is sent to the selected Servicer(s), (assuming there is an email in the profile).
  • A notification email is sent to the Requestor, letting them know that a request has been created on their behalf.  They will get any subsequent emails related to the request and will be able to see it on their Dashboard.  In the body of the request, they will appear as the "Requestor", however the log shows that the Manager really created the request. 
  • The request will appear in the "Requests in Progress" table on the Dashboard.  Once either the Servicer or the Manager (on behalf of a passive Servicer) "Accepts" the request, the confirmed Servicer's name will appear and the status will change from "Request Sent" to "Service Proceeding".
Tip 1:  The Manager has the ability to tap the newly created request number and below the log, tap Forward Request To a Different Servicer.  Once dispatched, a request with the same root number, but a "-fwd" at the end is created.  The original request can remain open if the Manager is still doing work, or it can be closed or canceled (depending on whether the Manger completed work on the project or not).
Tip 2:  At the bottom of the page, below "Submit", there is Service History.  You may tap this link to view historical requests on the location in question.

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