Deactivate Manager

Deactivate Manager

Note: Requires admin privileges to implement. Please contact your Landport Administrator.  If you ARE your organization's Landport administrator and want to request Company Profile privileges for yourself or a co-worker, please submit a Support ticket.

IMPORTANT:  We recommend not deleting a Manager account.  Some reasons include:  it may still be associated to PMs, a report may be needed of that Manager's work, or the account may be re-used if a replacement is hired (which will save a lot of updating if the replacement will be managing the same locations and/or using the same Servicers).  

Rather, to temporarily deactivate a Manager account:
  1. Log into the account which is to be deactivated.  If you don't know the login, follow these steps:
    • From your own Dashboard, tap Company Profile.
    • In the "Co-workers" section, tap Change Password.
    • Select the Manager you want to deactivate, noting their user name.
    • Remove the check mark from "Send mail to this user informing them of their new password"
    • Enter a new password twice and make note of it.
    • Tap the update button and then proceed with step 1.
  2. Tap Your Profile.
  3. Tap Change your contact information.
  4. Scroll down and tap Delete below the email address(es).  This must be done before step 5.
  5. Scroll back up, delete the first name, and for the last name enter "zz - extra account".
  6. Press "Enter" or tap the update button.
  7. If you didn't change the password as part of step 1, tap Your Profile.
  8. Tap Change your password.
  9. Complete the password fields.
  10. Tap the update button and log out.  Deactivation is complete.
  11. From your account (or the Manager account that has PM), find any PMs that are associated with the deactivated Manager, and either edit the Manager or delete the PM.  (Tap here for "Edit PM" or here for "Delete PM" instructions.
If you still feel that the Manager account needs to be deleted, please submit a Support ticket.  Please note that deleted Manager accounts cannot be "un-deleted".

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