Delete / Deactivate Servicer

Delete / Deactivate Servicer

We recommend not deleting a Servicer account.  Some reasons include:  it may still be associated with an open request or PM, a report may be needed of the Servicer's work if there's a dispute, or the account may be used again in the future (especially in the case of internal maintenance staff).  

Rather, you can remove the Servicer from your dispatch page, but leave their account intact.  For instructions, please tap here

For internal maintenance staff, it might be easiest to leave the account on your dispatch page, but temporarily deactivate it by changing the contact name to "zz - extra account" (Tap here to see the "Edit Servicer Contact Info / Notes" article).  When a replacement is hired, you can simply update the account with their contact information.

If you still feel that the account needs to be deleted, please submit a Support ticket.
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