Dispatching - Servicer Order

Dispatching - Servicer Order

Defining the Servicer Order does two things:
  1. Changes the order Servicers are listed on your account's dispatch page - Normally, Servicers are listed alphabetically by their group/company name, but as an example, this feature allows you to list your internal Servicers or favorite external vendors at the top.
  2. Allows you to dispatch requests to multiple Servicers in a particular order (must be used if you want to most effectively dispatch to multiple Servicers who are in the same company/group, e.g. a maintenance team) - The request will first be sent to the Servicer with the lowest preference number.  If that Servicer declines to service the request, or fails to respond within the timeout period defined on the dispatch page, then the request is forwarded to the Servicer with the next higher preference number.  If more than one selected Servicer has the same preference number, then Landport will first send the request to one of those Servicers, then the next, again using the timeout period logic.
To define the order of your preferred Servicers:
  1. From the Dashboard, tap Servicer Order (see Tip).
  2. Select the pertinent service type, which will refresh the page and show the associated Servicers.
  3. Change the number on the right to reflect the placement of each Servicer in relation to the others, as shown in the following example:
  4. Tap the update button.
  5. Here's how the Servicers appear on the dispatch page, and if multiple Servicers are selected, they will be prioritized accordingly:

Tip:  If the term "Servicer" was changed to something else (e.g. Vendor or Tech), the link will read as such (e.g. Preferred Vendors or Preferred Techs).
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