Edit Location

Edit Location

Note: Requires admin privileges to implementPlease contact your Landport Administrator.  If you ARE your organization's Landport administrator and want to request Edit Location privileges for yourself or a co-worker, please submit a Support ticket.

IMPORTANT:  Please do NOT delete a location.  Instead, "retire" it (see Retiring Locations/Equipment).  If you think a location must be deleted, please submit a Support ticket.

To edit a location:
  1. From the Dashboard, tap Edit Locations.
  2. Drill down to the location you want to edit and tap the name, causing the location profile to appear on the right.
  3. Here are the fields you may edit, making sure not to forget Step 4 at the bottom of this page. (If the label is blue in Landport, you may tap it for additional information):
    • Name - The name of the location displayed in the location tree.
    • Code - The code name of the location.  The code name may be used as an identifier, a way to categorize/sort locations, and/or to help establish an interface to off-line accounting systems.
    • Prefix - The hierarchical name(s) shown as part of the location for a request.  For example, if "Suite 100" is added to the location tree, under "Exchange Bldg", then the prefix is "Exchange Bldg".  On a request, the location field would appear as "Exchange Bldg, Suite 100" (See screen shot).  Note:  If you've just added a location, such as a building, the prefix will populate from the next higher level on your location tree (e.g. your company/organization name).  If you don't want that many levels appearing in the prefix, you will want to edit the building's prefix before adding any sub-locations.  Otherwise, the entire prefix will carry down to the sub-locations.
    • Type - The type of location (e.g. building, floor, suite, room, etc.).
    • Parent - The location above in the hierarchy.  To move a location from one place to another, simply adjust the "Parent".  Be sure to update the "Prefix" to reflect the change.
    • Creator - The person who created the location.  This has no bearing on workflow.
    • Available at Registration -  Select "Yes" if the location is a private space (e.g. office, condo, apartment), and you want the location to be available to be selected as a home location when registering a new Requestor.  Select "No" if the location is common to all (e.g. lobby, parking lot, swimming pool).  You should also select "Yes" and tap the update button, if you wish to set the site manager to be someone other than the person that created it.
    • Site Manager - The assigned owner and person notified of a request submitted on this location.  Unless manually changed, the site manager defaults to the person who created the location.  To change the site manager, first update "Available at Registration" to "Yes".  This causes the "Site Manager" field to appear.  Use the drop down to select the appropriate person.  Please note: If under the location you are updating there are any sub-locations configured with "Available at Registration" as "Yes" (usually private spaces such as suites or floors, where a requestor could be assigned), they must also have the "Site Manager" field updated.          
    • Service and Management Visibility - Is this location of interest only to Servicers and Managers (e.g. Is it of a technical nature)?  Select "Yes" to make the location invisible to Requestors (e.g. Employee, Tenant).  Select "No" if it is to be visible to Requestors.  Either way, Servicers and Managers can see and create requests on the location. (Please note that locations contained within a technical location are also considered to be technical and are not visible to Requestors.)
    • Common Location - Select "Yes" to make the location a common area that can be viewed by all occupants of a building (e.g. grounds, parking lot, club house).  If the location is a private space (e.g. office, condo, apartment) and used only by certain occupants of a building, select "No".
    • Common base - If this location is a common space that's shared by all occupants of a building (e.g. the entire building, grounds, lobby, parking lot), then select "no common base".  If this location is a private space (e.g. office, condo, apartment), then the common base selected should be the location where other common areas are for this particular private space.
    • Location Description - A generic text description for the location, visible to Servicers when they initially review the request.
    • Description Preload - Whatever is entered here will appear in the otherwise blank "Request Description" field, when a Requestor creates a request on that location.  The text usually prompts for specific information to be entered.  An example might be Requestors are sharing an account (e.g. a retail store with frequently changing staff/shifts) where the description preload might be as follows:                                                                       
    • Date - Examples are lease renewal* or asset acquisition.  The date may optionally be included when generating request-based reports.  (* Building a recurring request in the Preventive Maintenance module might be the most effective way of managing this item.)
    • Location area - Square footage that will appear in asset reports.
    • Resource Location - Select "Yes", if you want this location to be visible in the Resource Management module.  This module enables Managers (and optionally, Requestors) to manage reservations on resource locations, such as conference rooms, club houses, etc.
    • Building address - The address of the location.  If the address is not specified (often the case for common areas), then it is inherited from the above parent location.  For example, if a request was entered for the lobby of a building, but the address for that lobby was not originally specified, then the system would use the building's address.  This means that you could correct all the common area addresses, by simply updating the top level building's address.
    • Billing address - The billing address of the location, which appears on the Landport invoice.  For a location that doesn't have it's "Bill to ..." address specified (appears blank on location profile), it will be inherited from the above parent location, all the way up the location tree.  If applicable to your situation, as a shortcut, the "Bill to ..." address can be specified for the pertinent parent location, so that when an invoice is created for any of the sub-locations, they'll inherit that parent's "Bill to ..." address.
    • Add files or URLs to this location - Attach one or more files or URLs (e.g. a floor plan, tenant lease, or a link to an internal shared drive or manufacturer's website), so that any time a Manager taps on that location, they have access to the files/URLs.  Requestors and upgraded Servicers can also view them (visibility for files can be selectively limited, if desired).  For larger items (over 0.5 MByte), we recommend attaching URLs (although files attached via mobile device are automatically resized).  Smaller items may be attached as files. 
  4. Tap the update button.  (Be careful not to tap delete!)

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