Edit Requestor Contact Info / Notes

Edit Requestor Contact Info / Notes

Note: Requires admin privileges to implement. Please contact your Landport Administrator.  If you ARE your organization's Landport administrator and want to request Company Profile privileges for yourself or a co-worker, please submit a Support ticket.

To edit a Requestor's basic contact info:
  1. From the Dashboard, tap Find Requestor (see Tip 1).
  2. Search using the desired variable.  For more information, tap here: Find Requestor.
  3. After a search result is returned, tap the Requestor's name in the first column.
  4. Tap appropriate button.
  5. Make updates (see Tips 2 & 3).
  6. Tap the update button.
Tip 1:  If the term "Requestor" was changed to something else (e.g. Reporter or Tenant), the link will read as such (e.g. Find Reporter or Find Tenant).

Tip 2:  For "Add business card note", please be aware that these notes are visible to all users.

Tip 3:  For "Alter this person's contact info", no spaces allowed in web page or email address fields.  A profile may have up to 2 email addresses.  For more, you may build an email distribution group and enter that email address into the profile.

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