Edit Servicer Contact Info / Notes

Edit Servicer Contact Info / Notes

Note: Requires admin privileges to implement. Please contact your Landport Administrator.  If you ARE your organization's Landport administrator and want to request Company Profile privileges for yourself or a co-worker, please submit a Support ticket.

To edit a Servicer's basic contact info:
  1. From the Dashboard, tap Find Servicer (see Tip 1).
  2. Search using the desired variable.  For more information, tap here:  Find Servicer.
  3. After a search result is returned, tap the Servicer's name in the first column.
  4. Tap appropriate button.  (We highly recommend not deleting Servicer accounts, but rather removing them from your dispatch page, using the "Preferred Servicers" feature.)
  5. Make updates (see Tips 2 & 3).
  6. Tap update button.
Tip 1:  If the term "Servicer" was changed to something else (e.g. Vendor, Tech, or Engineer), the link will read as such (e.g. Find Vendor, Find Tech, or Find Engineer).

Tip 2:  For "Add business card note", please be aware that these notes are visible to all users.

Tip 3:  For "Alter this person's contact info", no spaces allowed in web page or email address fields.  A profile may have up to 2 email addresses.  For more, you may build an email distribution group and enter that email address into the profile.

Description:  This function enables you (with administrative priviledges) to change a vendor's contact info.    
1. login to the system and start from the homepage
2. click the Find vendor link to obtain the vendor record
3. There are a number of search methods available.   A search can be performed by the vendor contact person's first or last name as shown in the following example:  
Enter the first and last name of the vendor
First:  Last:  
A search can also be performed by the contact person's user id, office or mobile phone number, email address, or company name as shown in following example:

Lookup by one of the following values (hint)
 User Id  Office Phone  Mobile Phone  Email  Company 

NOTE:  the search function uses an "exact" match algorithm, which means that whatever term is typed, it will need to be an exact match.  Therefore, we recommend searching for shorter terms (i.e., instead of search for the entire company name: "Able Engineering, Inc.", just type "able").

4.  After a search result is returned, click the user id link listed in the second column of the above table (i.e., click the able01 link), which will enable you to have the system automatically and confidentially email the vendor their user id with instructions on how to change their password.  

NameLandport User NameTelephoneE-mail
Able Electric 
Byron Smithable01 
1 408 904 4588fax

5. click the name link of the person whose contact info you wish to alter.  For example, to change the contact info for Byron Smith, click the Byron Smith link in the table above, then press the  to alter the contact info. 

NOTE:  If you click the person's name link and on the next page the  is not shown, that person is an active Landport user and is capable of altering their own contact info.  If you still wish to change their info, contact Landport customer support for assistance. 

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