Expired Requests

Expired Requests

When a Manager assigns a request to a Servicer (Vendor, Tech, etc.), there is a modifiable "Timeout" field on the dispatch page.  Unless changed, the system default is 720 hours (30 days); tap here for more information.

If the Servicer (or a Manager on the Servicer's behalf) does not accept the request before the timeout period elapses, then the request is withdrawn from the Servicer.  A notification titled "Out of vendors on incident ####" is sent to the Manager, and the request is moved from the in progress table to the new requests table ("Prior svc. req. expired" appears in the "Next Action" column).  PLEASE NOTE: The Requestor (e.g. tenant, resident, or employee) does not receive a notification.

Once any necessary follow-up with the Servicer is done, the Manager can then dispatch the request again, either to the same OR a different Servicer.

If the account has not been attended, due to staff changes, etc., and a large number of expired (but already completed) requests has accumulated, you may do one or more of the following:
  • Bulk cancel them (see Cancel Multiple Open Requests).
  • Individually dispatch them to yourself, using the "Service the Request yourself" option on the dispatch page.  After tapping "Submit", tap "Replay & Declare done" on the following page, closing out the request. 
  • Individually dispatch them to the original Servicer for reprocessing in Landport.
The first two options keep Servicers from being overwhelmed with a large number of previously completed requests to process.  Bulk cancelling is the fastest option of the two, but can be misleading if it's important that the request show as completed.  The third option provides the most accurate reporting in regard to who serviced the request and its completed status, but is not always preferable if there is a high volume of expired requests.