Fast Track (Auto Dispatch) Rules

Fast Track (Auto Dispatch) Rules

Note: Requires admin privileges to implement.  Please contact your Landport Administrator.  If you ARE your organization's Landport administrator and want to request Company Profile admin privileges for yourself or a co-worker, please submit a Support ticket.

When Requestors submit requests, Fast Tracks automatically dispatch them to Servicers, based on the location, service type, and priority level.  This function saves a step for the Manager.

IMPORTANT:  We suggest starting with a small number of Fast Tracks to see if you like the way they operate.

To add a fast track rule:
  1. From the Dashboard, tap Company Profile.
  2. Tap Add Fast Track Rule.
  3. Select service type.
  4. Select location(s).  Usually, you will select the top/building level location, rather than particular sub-locations (e.g. individual apartments, suites, common areas), as the fast track applies to every sub-location within the location chosen.  To pick various locations, you may hold down the Ctrl key.  If the fast track should apply to all your locations, you may select the very top level, which is your group/company name.  Please note that if a fast track is created on a sub-location, and it conflicts with its top level location's fast track, the sub-location's fast track takes precedence.
  5. Select minimum urgency.  Only requests equal to or greater than the selected urgency level will trigger the use of this Fast Track rule.
  6. Select primary Servicer.  If the Servicer does not appear in the drop down, check that the service type selected is correct.  If it is, then check that the Servicer appears in your list of Preferred Servicers (use link in left-menu bar).
  7. Designate amount of time to wait before contacting the next Servicer, if the first one does not accept the request.  If a secondary and/or tertiary Servicer is not selected (or they are selected, but don't respond either) and the time elapses, then the request expires, and the Manager is notified.  You will want to take weekends and special shifts into consideration when selecting a time frame, so that you don't have requests needlessly expiring and taking more time to re-dispatch.  One day is 1440 minutes, 2 days is 2880, and so on.
  8. Optionally select a secondary and tertiary Servicer.  Each Servicer has the same amount of time as the primary Servicer to accept the request before it rolls to the next Servicer or expires.
  9. Set Servicer's cost limit, if you want to communicate a budget amount when the request is auto-dispatched.  Enter "0" otherwise.
  10. Leave Servicer's time limit as ASAP.
  11. Enter PO Number, if desired.
  12. Tap update button.
To edit or delete a Fast Track rule:
  1. From Dashboard, tap Company Profile.
  2. Tap either Fast Track by Location or Fast Track by Service, depending on which way you want to see the Fast Tracks sorted.
  3. Edit or delete, as needed.  If editing, make sure to tap the update button.