Find Servicer

Find Servicer

To find a Servicer:
  1. From the Dashboard, tap Find Servicer (see Tip 1).
  2. Search using the desired variable.  Please note that the search function uses an "exact" match algorithm, so whatever term is typed, it must be an exact match.  Searching by a shorter term will yield better results (e.g. instead of using the entire company name "Able Engineering", just type "Able").  Also, it's better to search on one variable at a time.  Suppose there is person with the following information:
Name:  Elizabeth Smithson
Company: Able Engineering

Search by a portion of the last name which you are sure is correct (i.e., "Smi").  You could also try a first name search for "Eli" or "Beth", or try a portion of the company name (e.g. "Able" or "Eng") (see Tip 2).
Tip 1:  If you changed the term "Servicer" to something else (e.g. Vendor, Tech, or Engineer), the link will read as such (e.g. Find Vendor, Find Tech, or Find Engineer).

Tip 2:  Searching by company name will bring up all Servicers within that company or group.  The first one in the list is usually the first account that was implemented on the system.
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