FAQ: For requests that have a "Service proceeding" status, why are "Approve & Close" and other links missing?

FAQ: For requests that have a "Service proceeding" status, why are "Approve & Close" and other links missing?

When you dispatch a request to a Servicer that is actively using their account, the system expects that the Servicer will declare the job done.  Therefore, options allowing you as the Manager to take action on the Servicer's behalf (e.g. "Completed" and "Work ticket") don't appear.  Also, you won't see "Approve & Close", because the system is waiting for the Servicer to complete/declare the job done before giving you the option to "Approve & Close" it.  In the below screen shot, the first request has been dispatched to a passive Servicer, and the second to an active Servicer:

For active Servicers who are not being timely in updating their account, we suggest entering a comment into the request, asking them to declare the job done.  If the Servicer habitually doesn't respond, please submit a Support ticket, asking for their account to be locked into passive mode.  This does not affect the Servicer's functionality at all, but does allow you to act on their behalf if necessary.

If you are adding Servicer accounts to the system, you may lock the account into passive mode yourself, prior to the Servicer using it.  Tap here for more information about passive mode.