Generate Work Ticket Report

Generate Work Ticket Report

Note: Requires admin privileges to implement. Please contact your Landport Administrator.  If you ARE your organization's Landport administrator and want to request Reporting privileges for yourself or a co-worker, please submit a Support ticket.

To generate a work ticket report:
  1. From the Dashboard, tap Reporting.
  2. Under "Requests & Invoices Reports", tap Reports based upon Requests (see Tip).
  3. Adjust the report parameters as needed.  For a work ticket report, the key parameters are "created" (Screen shot 1), "Request Status" of "Open" (Screen shot 2), and in "Columns to display" to have "work ticket" checked in addition to the default selections (Screen shot 3).
Screen shot 1:

Screen shot 2:

Screen shot 3:

4. Tap the "Generate report" button.
5.  In the first column of the report, check the boxes for the work tickets you would like to view.  To see them all, tap the "Select all rows" button.  Please note that only open requests have a work ticket.  If you're not seeing many checkboxes, make sure your report parameters are set to show you open requests.
6.  Tap the "View Work Tickets" button.
7.  View and/or print the work tickets using the browser print feature.  
Tip:  If the term "Request" was changed to something else (e.g. Incident or Work Order), the wording will read as such (e.g. "Incidents & Invoices Reports" and Reports based upon Incidents).

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