FAQ: How come not all my Servicers are appearing on the dispatch page?

FAQ: How come not all my Servicers are appearing on the dispatch page?

There can be a number of reasons a Servicer (Vendor, Tech, Engineer, etc.) does not appear on the dispatch page:
  1. The service type is incorrect.  Look back near the top of the page and make sure the "Service Type" selected makes sense for that servicer (e.g. the electrician won't appear in the "Servicers" section, if the service type "Plumbing" is selected...unless that Servicer is associated with both types).
  2. The "Search radius", at the top of the "Servicers" section, needs to be increased.  The radius is an approximation based on the zip codes of the location needing service and of the Servicer.  Sometimes the Servicer has a national location, with a zip code that isn't anywhere near you, or you may not have the address filled in.  In these cases, setting the radius to "All" will cause the Servicer to appear.
  3. The Servicer was a new contact person added to an existing Servicer group/company.  An example would be a new maintenance tech added to an already existing maintenance group in Landport.  Tap here to view the necessary steps.
  4. The Servicer does not have an account, OR the address is missing/incorrect, most importantly the zip code.  You can use Find Servicer (Vendor, Tech, etc.) on your dashboard, to check.  Tap here to view the "Find Servicer" article.  Note:  If you don't have the zip code, the "Search Radius" must be set to "All" for the Servicer to appear. 
  5. The Servicer has not been identified as preferred.  Tap Preferred Servicers (Vendors, Techs, etc.), on the dashboard, to adjust which Servicers you prefer to see on the dispatch page.  For more information, tap here to view the "Adjust Servicer List on Dispatch and PM Instruction Pages" article.