Invoice: Billing Catalog

Invoice: Billing Catalog

Note: Requires admin privileges to implement.  Please contact your Landport Administrator.  If you ARE your organization's Landport administrator and want to request Company Profile privileges for yourself or a co-worker, please submit a Support ticket, noting for which Servicer group/company you need to access the Company Profile.

If populated, the Billing Catalog enables a Servicer to easily enter invoice information and also allows Managers to efficiently run invoice-based reports. 

Please note that because Managers can act as Servicers (tap here for article), there is also a Billing Catalog for the Manager group.  Items entered in this catalog would only be available for requests that Managers service.  If you have a Manager that is part of your Servicer group (e.g. they are the maintenance supervisor), and you don't want to maintain two Billing Catalogs, we suggest giving that Manager a placeholder Servicer account.  This placeholder account can be used/managed via the Manager account (no need to log into 2 accounts), but allows the Manager to enter invoice information for line items housed in the Servicer group's Billing Catalog.

To add or delete Billing Catalog items:
  1. Log in to the administrative account for the Servicer group/company (see Tip 1).  If Managers are maintaining their own separate Billing Catalog, per the above note, then you would log into the admin account for the Manager group.
  2. From the Dashboard, tap Company Profile.  (If you do not see the link, please submit a Support ticket to have it activated.)
  3. Tap Billing Catalog.
  4. Select "parts", "labor" or "other" for the "Catalog Category".  If items have already been entered, they will be displayed.
  5. To delete an item, check the "Delete" box and tap the "Delete Checked Items" button.
  6. To add an item, speak or type its name into the "Description" field at the bottom of the list of existing items, enter the "Unit Cost" (see Tip 2) and "Markup" (if applicable), and tap the "Add" button.
  7. Note:  To lock down the billing catalog, so a Servicer cannot make modifications, please submit a Support ticket.
Tip 1:  Tap here for instructions on how to look up a Servicer account.  Depending on the type of setup, the admin account could:  1) be labeled admin (e.g., "zz - admin account"), 2) be the first account set up within a group/company (e.g., user name of "Tech1"), or 3) be the only account for that Servicer.  If you have trouble determining the account, please submit a Support ticket, and we'll be glad to help!  If you also let Support know that you'll need access to Company Profile, that will help with step 2, above.
Tip 2:  If you are not sure of an item's unit cost, or if it is frequently changing, we highly recommend entering "0" (zero).  When the Servicer creates an invoice, they can enter the current unit cost at that point.  If you aren't using Landport to track costs, they can leave the value at "0".
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