Notifications not received by user

Notifications not received by user

Landport automatically sends notifications to an user based on actions taken by other users and events that transpire on the user's requests.  There can be several reasons why a notification is not received:
  1. Landport did not send a notification - Certain events do not, by design, trigger notifications, but if it seems Landport incorrectly missed sending a notification, here's how to investigate:
    • Either log in to the account of the Manager responsible for the request or tap All Requests on your own account to activate "Manager Account Sharing" (assumes it's been defined to see the pertinent Manager).
    • Tap the request number.  If needed, tap here to view the "Search for a Request" article.
    • Below the history log, tap My messages regarding this Request (Incident, Work Order, etc.).  You'll see a table showing a record of the notifications initiated and/or received by the user for the last month only (older records roll off the system):
    • Look for the notification that should have been received.  If it's there, meaning that Landport sent it, then please review the below additional possibilities.  If it's not there, and it should have occurred in the last month, then please see item #3, below, and then if still needed, submit a Support ticket with all the details (request number, particular notification not received).
  2. The Manager declared the request done on behalf of the Servicer - In this instance, a notification is not automatically sent to the original Requestor, giving the Manager the flexibility to decide if and when a notification should be sent.  As a side note, an easy way to communicate to the requestor that the job is done is:
    • Tap the request number.
    • Submit a comment with any closing details, which will be sent to the Requestor and to the Servicer (unless you as the Manager serviced the request...then the notification is redundant).
    • On the next page, tap Approve & Close.
  3. The intended recipient's email/text address is missing or incorrect - If you find this to be the case, you'll want to correct it.  Tap the link below to view the appropriate article on editing an user (includes or references how to look them up):
  4. The intended recipient's notification settings need to be adjusted - Managers, Servicers, and Requestors in "standard mode" (tap here for definition) can access their profile to adjust notification settings and may have inadvertently turned one off.  If needed, tap here for guidance on how to adjust "Notification Preferences".
  5. The recipient organization's system might be treating the notifications as spam and placing them in the recipient's spam folder, or blocking them completely, so they don't even arrive to the recipient - The recipient will want to check with the area that administrates their organization's communication system to make sure that messages from the following address:, are allowed (or "white listed").

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