Replying To Landport Notifications

Replying To Landport Notifications

The Landport system is designed to be a forum for information exchange between all parties associated with a particular request.

To add a comment to a request (e.g. in reply to a Landport notification), you may either:

Tap the link in the body of the notification and enter a comment, or...

Manually log in to your account, tap the particular request number, and enter a comment.

IMPORTANT:  Please do not "Reply" to the email itself, as it comes from an automatic message generator.  Rather, accessing the system, via the above options, and entering a comment into the request, sends notifications to the involved parties (assuming they have email or text addresses in their profile), AND permanently records the comment into the history log of the request.  It's a great way of keeping track of who said what and when they said it.

You can forward a Landport notification to a person outside of the system, but be aware that nothing will get tracked, and sending someone the notification gives them the ability to tap the link and access your account.

The embedded link within a Landport notification is valid for 14 days after the message is sent, assuming that the status of the request has not changed.

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