Retire Location/Equipment

Retire Location/Equipment

Note: Requires admin privileges to implement.  Please contact your Landport Administrator.  If you ARE your organization's Landport administrator and want to request Edit Location privileges for yourself or a co-worker, please submit a Support ticket.

IMPORTANT:  Please do NOT delete locations or equipment.  Instead, "retire" them, which enables you to still run reports, as well as easily reactivate, if necessary.  If you think a deletion is needed, please submit a Support ticket.

To retire locations/equipment:
  1. From the Dashboard, tap Edit Locations.  (Please note, steps 2 - 10 only have to be completed once.  If that's the case, skip to step 11.)
  2. Within the "Select the location to edit" section, tap Create new location.
  3. The section title changes to "Select where to insert new location".  Typically, you'll tap the very top of the location tree (if you tap the "+" sign, the tree will expand).
  4. The right side of the screen refreshes, and you'll want to populate it as follows, keeping the address (not shown) as is:

  5. Tap the "Add this new unit" button and tap "Okay" for the subsequent pop-up message.
  6. If you don't have one already, you'll want to create a special Manager account with "Deactivated Manager" in the last name field.  Tap here for "Add Manager" instructions.
  7. Tap Edit Locations and expand the location tree, using the "+" sign.
  8. At the bottom of the tree, tap "zz - previously managed locations". 
  9. Use the drop down to change the "Site Manager" to "Deactivated Manager"
  10. Tap the update button and tap "Okay" for the subsequent pop-up message.
  11. Drill down to the location which needs to be retired and tap the name.
  12. When the location profile appears to the right, change the "Parent" to "zz - previously managed locations".
  13. Tap the update button.
  14. Expand the tree, until you see the retired location under its new parent.
  15. If the retired site and/or any sub-locations are configured with "Available at Registration" as "Yes" (usually private spaces such as suites or floors, where a requestor could be assigned), they should be modified so that the "Site Manager" is "Deactivated Manager".                                                                                                                                                              
  16. Run the Preventive Maintenance Calendar for the retired building, and delete any PMs found.  For instructions, tap here.
  17. If you need to prevent Requestors from submitting requests, please submit a Support ticket for guidance on the best way to proceed, based on your particular setup.

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