Search for a Request

Search for a Request

To search for a request (incident, work order, etc.):
  1. Determine if the request is assigned to you or to another Manager.  If it is assigned to you, proceed to step 3.  Otherwise, continue to step 2.
  2. If your account is configured to access other Manager's requests (see Manager Account Sharing), make sure All Requests is highlighted on your Dashboard (screenshot).  This activates the ability to view, search, and act on requests that "belong" to other Managers.
  3. At the top of the Dashboard, choose the best option to search for the request:
    • Find by Request number - Searches solely by request number, going back 2 years.  Enter a number* and press "Enter".
    • Expanded search for - Searches on request number* or any portion of text in the description, going back 6 months.  The search is narrowed by request status: "open", "closed", or "all".  First, change the status, if needed; then enter the value and press "Enter".
    • Advanced Search - Searches on further criteria* designated by you, going back to when you started using Landport or the year 2000, whichever is earlier.  The search criteria selected are used to find the request(s), but are not necessarily included in the results displayed.
  4. To take action on a "found" request, tap the request number and then tap the appropriate link.
* Note: If the request is recurring or preventive, please make sure to include the "-pm" after the number (e.g. 35624-pm).
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