There are times when a Manager will handle a request themselves, using the "Service the Request yourself" option on the dispatch page. Also, in some cases, a Servicer (e.g. an internal maintenance or engineering supervisor) will be given a Manager account, and they act as the site manager...dispatching, monitoring, approving & closing requests.
There are usually two set-up variations of this Manager/Servicer scenario:
No invoicing needed:
If the invoice feature of Landport is not used, then the Manager/Servicer will only need the Manager account.
The Manager/Servicer will dispatch requests to him/herself using "Service the
Request yourself" on the dispatch page.
Other Managers who want to create requests for locations managed by that Manager/Servicer will usually use Create for Manager, which leaves the dispatch step to the Manager/Servicer.
Invoicing needed:
If the Manager/Servicer, as well as the staff they supervise, will be populating the invoice by selecting items from the Billing Catalog (e.g. Labor, Parts), then it is helpful for the Manager/Servicer to have a placeholder Servicer account. This
placeholder account can be used/managed via the Manager account (no need
to log into 2 accounts), but allows the Manager to enter invoice
information for line items housed in the Servicer group's Billing Catalog. This means only the Servicer Billing Catalog will need to be maintained, and not the Manager one, as well (the Manager group also has its own Billing Catalog).
The Manager/Servicer will dispatch requests to his/her placeholder Servicer account on the dispatch page. It's recommended NOT to have an email address in the placeholder account, to reduce redundancy.
Other Managers who want to create requests for locations managed by that Manager/Servicer will usually use Create for Manager, which leaves the dispatch step to the Manager/Servicer. It's recommended that the Manager/Servicer be removed from other Managers' list of Preferred Servicers, to avoid accidental dispatching to the placeholder account, which won't notify the Manager/Servicer.